Metropolitan Opera House (3 страница)

Найдено 192 композиции

Salome: "Wie schön ist die Prinzessin Salome" (Narraboth, Erster Soldat, Zweiter Soldat)Brian Sullivan, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Fritz Reiner
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 3: "Ah taci, ingiusto core!" (Donna Elvira, Leporello, Don Giovanni)Eleanor Steber, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Max Rudolf
La bohème, Act I, Scene 1: "Questo mar rosso mi ammolisce e assidera" (Marcello, Rodolfo)Robert Merrill, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Alberto Erede
Götterdämmerung, Act I, Scene 3: "Brächte Siegfried die Braut dir heim," (Hagen, Gunther, Gutrune)Hermann Uhde, Kurt Böhme, Marianne Schech, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Fritz Stiedry
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 27: "Don Giovanni, a cenar teco" (Commendatore, Don Giovanni, Leporello)Luben Vichegonov, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Max Rudolf
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 21: "Don Ottavio, son morta!" (Donna Anna, Don Ottavio)Margaret Harshaw, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Max Rudolf
Salome, Op. 54, IRS 86, Act I: "Jochanaan! Ich bin verliebt in deinen Leib" (Salome, Jochanaan)Metropolitan Opera House Orchestra, Dimitri Mitropoulos, Inge Borkh, Mack Harrell
Lohengrin, Act III: "Fahr' heim! Fahr' heim, du stolzer Helde" (Ortrud, Lohengrin, Elsa)Margaret Harshaw, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Fritz Busch
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 11: "Manco male è partita." (Giovanni, Leporello, Zerlina, Masetto)George London, Ezio Flagello, Laurel Hurley, Theodor Uppman, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Karl Böhm
Macbeth, Act IV, Scene 4: "Dove siam? Che bosco è quello?" (Malcolm, Coro, Macduff)William Olvis, Carlo Bergonzi, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House, Erich Leinsdorf
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 19: "Hättest du fleissig die Kunst gepflegt," (Mime, Siegfried)Norman Kelley, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Fritz Stiedry
Lohengrin, Act I: "Durch Gottes Sieg ist jetzt dein Leben mein" (Lohengrin, Ortrud, Elsa)Lauritz Melchior, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Fritz Busch
Götterdämmerung, Act III, Scene 3: "Ein Albe führte mich irr," (Siegfried, Rheintöchter)Wolfgang Windgassen, Belén Amparan, Margaret Roggero, Gloria Lind, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Fritz Stiedry
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 28: "Ah dove è il perfido" (Tutti)Tutti, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Max Rudolf
Siegfried, Act III, Scene 11: "O Heil der Mutter, die mich gebar" (Siegfried, Brünnhilde)Wolfgang Windgassen, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Fritz Stiedry
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 33: "Protegga il giusto cielo" (Donna Anna, Don Ottavio, Donna Elvira)Margaret Harshaw, Eugene Conley, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Max Rudolf
Don Carlo, Act II, Scene 5: "Ed io, che tremava al suo aspetto!..." (Eboli, Rodrigo, Don Carlo)Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Nino Verchi, Franco Corelli, Mario Sereni, Irene Dalis
"Champagner"-Medley LiveUdo Jürgens
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 17: "Heda! Du Fauler! Bist du nun fertig?" (Siegfried, Mime)Wolfgang Windgassen, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Fritz Stiedry
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 31: "Tra quest'arbori celata" (Zerlina, Masetto, Don Giovanni)Nadine Conner, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Max Rudolf
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 24: "Dalla sua pace" (Don Ottavio, Leporello, Don Giovanni)Eugene Conley, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Max Rudolf
Salome: "Wo ist er, dessen Sündenbecher jetzt voll ist?" (Jochanaan, Salome, Narraboth)Hans Hotter, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Fritz Reiner
Götterdämmerung, Act III, Scene 5: "Mein Schwert zerschwang" (Siegfried, Rheintöchter)Wolfgang Windgassen, Belén Amparan, Margaret Roggero, Gloria Lind, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Fritz Stiedry
Der Fliegende Holländer: Wie aus der Ferne längst vergang'ner Zeiten Wirst du des Vaters Wahl nicht schelten Verzeiht, mein Volk hält draußen sich nicht mehrLeonie Rysanek
Siegfried, Act II, Scene 12: "Wohin schleich'st du eilig und schlau," (Alberich, Mime)Gerhard Pechner, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Fritz Stiedry
Salome, Op. 54, IRS 86, Act I: "Wo ist er, dessen Sündenbecher jetzt voll ist?" (Jochanaan, Salome, Narraboth)Metropolitan Opera House Orchestra, Dimitri Mitropoulos, Mack Harrell, Inge Borkh, Giulio Gari
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 12: "Auf der Erde Tiefe Rüken wuchtet der Götter" (Wanderer, Mime)Otto Edelmann, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Fritz Stiedry
Lohengrin, Act III: "In fernem Land, unnahbar euren Schritten" (Lohengrin, König Heinrich)Lauritz Melchior, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Fritz Busch
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act V, Scene 1: "Ce n'est pas de cette petite blessure" (Médecin, Arkel, Golaud, Mélisande)Clifford Harvuot, Giorgio Tozzi, George London, Victoria de los Angeles, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Jean Morel
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 21: "Hoho! Hoho! Hohei! Scmiede mein Hammer," (Siegfried, Mime)Wolfgang Windgassen, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Fritz Stiedry
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 12: "Tergi il ciglio" (Don Ottavio, Donna Anna, Donna Elvira)Eugene Conley, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Max Rudolf
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 5: "Ah! Del padre in periglio" (Donna Anna, Don Ottavio)Margaret Harshaw, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Max Rudolf
La bohème, Act I, Scene 1: "Questo mar rosso mi ammolisce e assidera" (Marcello, Rodolfo)Robert Merrill, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Alberto Erede