E.c.o. (5 страница)

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J.S. Bach: St. John Passion, BWV 245 / Part Two - "And There Crucified They Him"Benjamin Britten [Piano], ENGLISH CHAMBER ORCHESTRA, Wandsworth School Boys' Choir, John Shirley-Quirk, Sir Peter Pears
Messiah, HWV 56 (1989 - Remaster), Part 1: Comfort ye my people (tenor accompagnato: Larghetto e piano)Elizabeth Harwood, Dame Janet Baker, Paul Esswood, Robert Tear, Raimund Herincx, Ambrosian Singers, Sir Charles Mackerras, English Chamber Orchestra
Messiah, HWV 56 (1989 - Remaster), Part 2: The Lord gave the word (chorus: Andante allegro)Elizabeth Harwood/Dame Janet Baker/Paul Esswood/Robert Tear/Raimund Herincx/Ambrosian Singers/English Chamber Orchestra/Sir Charles Mackerras
I n A n d O u t O f L o v e ( R i c h a r d D u r a n d N o V o c R e m i x )A r m i n v a n B u u r e n f e a t . S h a r o n d e n A d e l
O r g a s m i c ( M a t t e o P o k e r R e m i x ) [ T e c h n o 2 0 1 0 ) ~~~~~~ M i c r o c h e e p a n d M o l l o / S h o h i n a
Messiah, HWV 56 (1989 - Remaster), Part 1: For unto us a child is born (chorus: Andante allegro)Elizabeth Harwood/Dame Janet Baker/Paul Esswood/Robert Tear/Raimund Herincx/Ambrosian Singers/English Chamber Orchestra/Sir Charles Mackerras
Le Nozze di Figaro, K.492 (1990 - Remaster), Act I: Non più andrai farfallone amaroso (Figaro)Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Heather Harper, Judith Blegen, Sir Geraint Evans, Teresa Berganza, John Alldis Choir, Daniel Barenboim, English Chamber Orchestra
J.S. Bach: St. John Passion, BWV 245 / Part Two - "But the Jews Cried Out and Said"Benjamin Britten [Piano], ENGLISH CHAMBER ORCHESTRA, Wandsworth School Boys' Choir, John Shirley-Quirk, Sir Peter Pears
Le Nozze di Figaro, K.492 (1990 - Remaster), Act IV: Pace, pace, mio dolce tesoro! (Figaro/Susanna/Conte)Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Heather Harper, Judith Blegen, Sir Geraint Evans, Teresa Berganza, John Alldis Choir, Daniel Barenboim, English Chamber Orchestra